Please read this notice emailed to parents on Thursday, October 19, from Superintendent Kaster.
Good afternoon,
At the beginning of the school year, we shared the exciting news that the district was going to offer free breakfast and lunch to our students. At the same time, we indicated this would be a temporary offering and we would reevaluate at the semester. Unfortunately, the district received information from the department of education that we can no longer continue this practice for lunch but we will continue to offer free breakfast. This change for lunch is due to Paid Lunch Equity requirements. 7 CFR 210.14(e)(5)(ii)(A)
So, effective Oct. 30 the school district will begin charging your student or students for lunch when your student or students eat school-served lunch.
We recognize the short turnaround for this change in practice so we understand if it may take a couple weeks to get money deposited into your students account. Students will continue to be offered and served lunch regardless of account balance. Any negative balance communication will not take place until after the first of the year.
Student meal prices per lunch for 2023-24 school year:
Grades K-5 = $3.00
Grades 6-8 = $3.10
Grades 9-12 = $3.25
If you chose not to fill out a free and reduced lunch application due to the district offering free lunch and breakfast, you are still eligible to fill out the necessary paper to receive free and reduced meals. Attached you will find the 4 necessary documents to complete an application. IF you would like assistance with this process please contact the district office at 515-758-2235 and ask for Deb Walker or at [email protected].
If you have any addition questions regarding this information please let me know and we can arrange a time to visit.